Outline Pragmatics Grice’s cooperative principle Speech acts Pragmatic aspects of natural language Vojtěch Kovář Natural Language Processing Centre Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Botanická 68a, 602 00 Brno xkovar3@fi.muni.cz PA153 Natural Language Processing Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Pragmatic aspects of natural language Outline Pragmatics Grice’s cooperative principle Speech acts Outline 1 Pragmatics 2 Grice’s cooperative principle 3 Speech acts Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Pragmatic aspects of natural language Outline Pragmatics Grice’s cooperative principle Speech acts Pragmatics Aspects of language not related to the structure of the language situation context and context in general interaction of the language structure with the context Examples „What time is it?” at 3 AM after a party „Do you have a hot-dog?” – „Ketchup or mustard?” „What time is it?” – „Newspaper just came” „Would you mind opening the window?” Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Pragmatic aspects of natural language Outline Pragmatics Grice’s cooperative principle Speech acts Pragmatics – basic concepts External pragmatics – communication situation {{o1, ..., on}, speaker, audience, time, location} o1, ..., on = objects related to the conversation deictic expressions (I, you, here) – variables that gain value only in certain communication situation Internal pragmatics relation between language users and the meaning declarative, interrogative, imperative, optative Implicatures inferences intended by the speaker the speaker has communication intension and aims at transferring it to the audience „It is impossible not to communicate.” Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Pragmatic aspects of natural language Outline Pragmatics Grice’s cooperative principle Speech acts Grice’s cooperative principle „Cooperate with your communication partners.” the speaker follows some rules audience expects that these rules are followed Grice’s (conversational) maxims maxim of quality: tell the truth maxim of quantity: say (only) what is necessary maxim of relevance: stay relevant to the topic maxim of manner: avoid obscurity, ambiguity, ... „Where is Tom?” – „A blue Škoda stays in front of Iva’s house.” Conversation implicatures when the principles are (or aren’t) followed „Hana has 4 children.” „War is war.” Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Pragmatic aspects of natural language Outline Pragmatics Grice’s cooperative principle Speech acts Speech acts Transfer of information is not the only purpose of language „I am sorry.” „I lodge a protest.” „I give you my word.” „I bequeath my house to my aunt Alice.” „I now pronounce you husband and wife.” Each sentence has informative aspect (meaning) performative aspect (changes the state of the world) Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Pragmatic aspects of natural language Outline Pragmatics Grice’s cooperative principle Speech acts Speech acts Locutionary act meaning of the sentence “is there some salt?” Illocutionary act meaning as understood “bring me some salt” Perlocutionary act the action performed the act of bringing the salt Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Pragmatic aspects of natural language