Outline Motivation Predicate logic What is meaning? Transparent intensional logic Logical analysis of natural language Vojtěch Kovář Natural Language Processing Centre Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Botanická 68a, 602 00 Brno xkovar3@fi.muni.cz PA153 Natural Language Processing Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Logical analysis of natural language Outline Motivation Predicate logic What is meaning? Transparent intensional logic Outline 1 Motivation 2 Predicate logic 3 What is meaning? 4 Transparent intensional logic Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Logical analysis of natural language Outline Motivation Predicate logic What is meaning? Transparent intensional logic Logical analysis of natural language Sentence → logical formula formal reasoning interlingua for machine translation precise expressions Which formalism? (first order) predicate logic modal logics intensional logics (IL, Richard Montague) transparent intensional logic (TIL) Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Logical analysis of natural language Outline Motivation Predicate logic What is meaning? Transparent intensional logic Natural language → predicate logic What are formulas for „Some prime numbers are even” „Some odd numbers are even” „Some smart people are lazy” „No bachelor is married” „No bachelor is rich” „Miloš Zeman is the president of CR.” „Karel counts 5 + 7” What is wrong? Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Logical analysis of natural language Outline Motivation Predicate logic What is meaning? Transparent intensional logic Natural language → predicate logic What are formulas for „Some prime numbers are even” „Some odd numbers are even” „Some smart people are lazy” „No bachelor is married” „No bachelor is rich” „Miloš Zeman is the president of CR.” „Karel counts 5 + 7” What is wrong? different types of truth granularity of the description is insufficient Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Logical analysis of natural language Outline Motivation Predicate logic What is meaning? Transparent intensional logic Natural language → predicate logic Karel counts 5 + 7 5 + 7 = 12 Karel counts 12 Miloš Zeman is the president of CR. Karel Schwarzenberg wanted to become the president of CR. Karel Schwarzenberg wanted to become Miloš Zeman. It is not true that the king of France is bald-headed The king of France has some hair on his head. Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Logical analysis of natural language Outline Motivation Predicate logic What is meaning? Transparent intensional logic Natural language → predicate logic Predicate logic can be used for natural language analysis some applications are doing it but not in all cases we need to be aware of the limits work-arounds are possible but may be complicated Advantages of predicate logic it is simple it is well explored inference machine exists Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Logical analysis of natural language Outline Motivation Predicate logic What is meaning? Transparent intensional logic What is the meaning of an expression? Frege’s model of semantics Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Logical analysis of natural language Outline Motivation Predicate logic What is meaning? Transparent intensional logic Conception of possible worlds A possible world a set of non-contradictory formulas about the universe the current world is one of the possible worlds Empirical truth the truth of a formula depends on the particular world meaning is always world-independent Intensional logics intensions (world-independent) extensions (denotates, objects in a particular world) Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Logical analysis of natural language Outline Motivation Predicate logic What is meaning? Transparent intensional logic Transparent intensional logic Pavel Tichý, Pavel Materna Procedural logic possible worlds + possible times meaning is a emphconstruction, i.e. abstact procedure (algorithm) which takes the current world and time and outputs the denotate (the particular object) coded as lambda function Typed logic o – true, false ι – set of individuums τ – set of real numbers (or time moments) ω – set of possible worlds ((oτ)ω) – proposition (((oι)τ)ω) – property ((oι)τω) Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Logical analysis of natural language Outline Motivation Predicate logic What is meaning? Transparent intensional logic Transparent intensional logic – examples Miloš Zeman je prezidentem CR. λwλt[ = Miloš_Zeman President_CRwt ] type oτω Miloš_Zeman/ι President_CR/ιτω = /(oιι) Schwarzenberg wanted to become CR. λwλt[ want_to_becomewt Schwarzenberg President_CR ] oτω Schwarzenberg/ι President_CR/ιτω want_to_become/(oιιτω) Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Logical analysis of natural language Outline Motivation Predicate logic What is meaning? Transparent intensional logic Transparent intensional logic – examples 5 + 7 [ + 5 7 ] type τ 5, 7/τ + /(τττ) Karel counts 5 + 7. λwλt[ countwt Karel 0[ + 5 7 ] ] type oτω 0[+ 5 7]/∗1 count/(oι∗1)wt Karel/ι Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Logical analysis of natural language Outline Motivation Predicate logic What is meaning? Transparent intensional logic Normal translation algorithm Automatic conversion of sentences into TIL constructions doc. Aleš Horák morphological analysis syntactic analysis conversion from tree to TIL formula type check output of all the layers is ambiguous implementation within the Synt parser, currently experiments with other parsers (SET) Further requirements lexicon of types (“snow” vs. “give” – exploitation of valency lexicons) rules for type control Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Logical analysis of natural language Outline Motivation Predicate logic What is meaning? Transparent intensional logic Transparent intensional logic – pros and cons Advantages correct and very precise analysis makes general correct reasoning possible Disadvantages very abstract and complex not really wide-spread experts often do not agree on correct analysis Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Logical analysis of natural language Outline Motivation Predicate logic What is meaning? Transparent intensional logic Transparentní intenzionální logika na FI doc. Aleš Horák prof. Marie Duží subjects Introduction to Transparent Intensional Logic Small corpus of correct constructions for Czech https://corpora.fi.muni.cz/til Semantic network of constructions as a knowledge base for automatic reasoning Vojtěch Kovář FI MU Brno Logical analysis of natural language