before 22:39 23.9.2009 leap in rychle nahlédnout mingle socialize imply naznačit tedious long, tiring, demanding asses hodnotit to mushroom růst jako po dešti premise předpoklad alienate odcizit compulsive nutkavý mundane světský frivolous lehkovážný downside nevýhoda (drawback) to prom tend to do something malicious zlomyslný mature dospělý peculiar/idiosyncratic výstřední Ak: radius poloměr diametr průměr petal lístky preimetr obvod circumference obvod kruhu right angle pravý úhel adjacent vedle sine sinus 11:42 23.9.2009 anxiety úzkost mane hříva perspiration pot contruption výmysl A device about 5inch long and half of inch thick a consisted from a very little ball on one end, the pigment of various, ususaly almost non-reflective colors, and something around it for better handling. When people use it, it usualy makes a trace on a peace of highly reflective celuloze according to peoples' will and this way the information are stored. 9:33 1.10.2009: deep × profound geograficky, mistne hluboky × e.g. popis to be angry with vastly × enormously personal issues (not problems) independency neexistuje - independence i am weird - jsem divny × i am being weird - chovam se divne via - geograficke pouziti only uc pg20 / 4 a) stroke b) draw c) out d) with any e) with f) take g) begginers h) push uc pg20 / 5 1: on behalf (jmenem, v zastoupeni) 2: aplied 3: down 4: gets on 5: used to 6: with 7: serve 8: as 9: case 10: have 11: comes 12: more 13: oppinion 14: hesitates 9:53 14.10.2009 eloquent impetous nerozvážný sage wise limey anglán timid stydlivý styd bloom moon uhersk rok tb bull in a china shop slon v porcelanu wolf in a sheep clothing theef was cought with a red handed chytit pri cinu be in a red numbers být v mínusu mingle socialise stamina výdrž alienate odcizit premise assumption (premisa) compulsive nutkavý insight vhled tb taken aback být šokován chatter away vypovídat se venture risk, new business, odvážit se tb flushed být pohlcen anticipate předpovídat scrub bush charcoal bezier uhelná pánev beads růženes underpin podpírat retain udržet stroll walk millet jáhelník ;) (zdravý žrádlo prostě) swap change to got freyed být rozhozený chucking dust vířit attire roucho scattle off útéct od nebezpečí enfemismused zjemněný witlerown(?) introvert tb taken back šokovaný, překvapený 1E - 2C - 3G - 4B - 5F - 6D A! pg23 ex3 b: earshot c: freyed d: swept up e: taste f: infancy g: draws h: impacts 9:55 21.10.2009 pg24/1(gerunds) avoid + ger enjoy + ger offer + inf practice + ger refuse + inf want + inf expect + ger prefer + both (i prefer ~ing; i'd prefer to ~) threaten + ger like + both fancy + ger deserver + inf manage + inf deny + hope + both begin + both miss + ger promise + inf risk + ger continue + ger love + both ignition - zapalování (auto) matticulous - organizovany, pořádný sensable - od sense; rational, rozumný sensitive - citlivý (e.g. svetlo) intricate - složitý, complexni continually - still in progress s prestavkama continuously - w/o break bid - aukční kladívko heridatory - dědičný 9:34 22.10.2009 to spring out - rozšířit se (also to mushroom) spot - mistp swap the news - vymenovat si novinky clap hands over ears - zacpat si uci to scattle off - utéct underpin - podpírat chuck up - zvířit attire - traditional clothes rosary beets - růženec pg25/6 a) on sailing b) to leaving c) in getting d) for making e) on giving f) on talking g) in writing h) of working pg25/9 1) to 2) to 3) to (in order to) 4) exploring 5) discovering 6) to 7) struggling 8) being 9) to 10)to 11)catching 12)seeing 13)to pg26/2 - poslech 1 c b - 2 b c - 3 c a - [v uc. je 5b, coz je blbe] 10:49 20.11.2009: David Klement, kvinta, 11. 2009 Renaissance This document tells us about the life of a renaissance painter Paolo Uccello and his art work. His greateast art work, the battle between Firenze and Lucca, is a series of three paintings, quite massive and huge. Each of these paintings displays different progress of the battle. The first one is the early state of the battle, commanders prepairing for leading there huga armies and there soldiers. The second one is a high noon, the furious battle, flying arrows, ... The third one is the last views of the battle, dead or wounded soldiers, blood everywhere blood and a smell of death. The width of canvases of these pictures is about three metres and height is approximately two metres. The canvas is not actually a canvas, it is a wood table made from a poplar, which was for a long years growing till it had a 2 metres in semi-diametr. There is one very interesting thing about these three painting. Although it was a series of paintings meant to be together, aftewords the were moved and splitted into three different Europe remarkable galeries. One is in Firenze, one in London and one in Paris. 9:45 2.12.2009: ____Proposal____ Introduction This proposal contains our suggestions for our school how to prevent students from spreding the swine flu. Hygiene The flu epidemy is most likely at overcrowded places such as schools. The basic prevention is strict keeping the rules of hygiene. Therefore, there should be soap, hand desinfection and paper towels in each bathroom. Restricting contact between students There should be a very strict restriction of touching, kissing and communicating between students. Conclusion Our proposal would help students of schools to get over the epidemy of this disasterous flu. 1. hygiene 2. facecloth 3. restrict attendance 4. restricting contact between students 9:49 16.12.2009: retail maloobchod substantial podstatny hearth valve chlopne srdce drawback nevyhody future perfect: Tommorow it will have been 10 yrs since it happened. presah zmin. do bud. 9:36 6.1.2010: entity - orgán apod premediated crime - plánovaná vražda tried and true method - vyzkousena hitherto - az dosud negligable - zanedbatelný TO BE TO structure -future aspect i am to buy a new car... i was about to... 4^2 - squred 4^3 - cubed 7^4 - to the power of addition substraction multiplication divison equals fraction - zlomek rectanglular octagon - osmiuhlenik odd - lichy even - sudy slova z busyness thrifty institution - kind of institution where u put saving (záložna) about person: thrift - keeper legal tender - platidlo commodity money - penize - zlato apod, ne bankovky - s primou hodnotou barter - direct exchange of goods (vymenny obchod) fiat money - money back up by gold literature: dissect - analyze the text [daisekt] foreword - predmluva (od authora) preface - predmluva(od nekoho jinyho) vade through - prokousat se necim vade - brod (lit.) stanza - sloka embrace - understand, pochopit enterpreneur - podnikatel bill of exchange - směnka promisery note - dlužní úpis invoice - faktura GIRO - sporožiro draft - being in red nubmers LTD - company limited statement (bank, acc ~) - bankovní výpis bank order - bankovní příkaz to balance acc - vyrovnat účet current acc - bezný účet saving acc - spořicí úč. article - main part of the essay (stať) polysyndeton - too much conjunction (nabytek spojek) fable - bajka plot - what happens ... prosody - teaching about rythms conclusion - end of article climax - vyvrcholení theme - idea proverb - simple sent. based on common sense turnout - volební účast cling to - lpět na nečem (stick on sth) rebuild from scratch - rebuild from very begin. come to power - vejit v platnost (o zak.) frugality - šetrnost negotiate / opt out - vyjednat vyjimku property claim - majetkovy narok zeal = enthusiasm profligate goverment - gov which is wasting money plaintiff - žalobce face a public wrath - čelit veřejnému hněvu clog - zablokovat (med.) blood vessels - cévy stroke - mrtvice, záchvat offal - vnitrnosti buffre - tlumit fibre - vláknina gut - žlučník, játra intestins - střeva mood enhancer - vylepšení nálady anti-depressants - antidepresiva score ur own goal - nabehnout si 9:34 3.2.2010: SOCIAL SKILL -making people feel valued, important, knowing how to control an argument, ... self-awarness -sebepřijetí, knowing exactly who i am, my skills,.. self-regulation -regulation of emotions, empathy -understanding how others feel motivation -outer/inner: for money, marks../because we want to, contribution to sociaty,... theory: people who have these skills score in EQ 09:35 2010-02-10: ferocious - dravy rodent - hladovec elongate - natahovani humble tortois - morska zelva graze - spasat cod - treska rosy - optimistic propensity - tendency upheaval - zrozeni stand down - odstoupit polls - volby electoral - volevbni flat rate - pausalni vydaje denomination - obeh penez constitutional court - ustavni soud bail-out - kauce, finance impose - navrhnout imposter - podvodnik forecloser - exekuce, to expropriate tax-payer funded - z peenz danovych penez liability - odpovednost tax-reliefs - dan uleva charter - zrizeni circumnavigation - plavba kolem sveta lesser - méně důležitý crack up - vychvalovat něco succumb - podlehnout, propadnout čemu longevity - dlouhověkost saturated fat - nasycene tuky strain - námaha endurance - vydrznost legacy - odkaz, pozůstatek adage - pořekadlo hurtle - hnát se burly - statný choppy - zčeřený maelstrom - vír swerve - uchylka, zatocit, rojit se anchor - kotva fin, flipper - ploutve distraught - silně rozrušený poacher - pytlák lumber - rachotit distress - strasit,rozrusit,... maul - pohmoždit 09:45 2010-03-04: zastarale vyrazy: notable strumpet - whore sash - coat, serpa strether - nosítka alas - podivej, cum! 09:56 2010-03-10: infatuate - obsessed with love Dear madam and sir, I have noticed your advertisment in NY Times newspaper for position of navigating officer and I am very interested in your job offer to spend three month on a sailing trip around the world and work on a boat. I am 22 years old and I had been working as a tourist guide. I am have achieved the FCE certificate. I am interested in position of xxx because I would like to meet people from different parts of the world. If you would accept me I would be quite beneficial for both for I am expereinced guide and I can work deligently and at the same time this position would give good chance to imporove my language skills to study the university in the furure. If there are any questions please feel free to contact me. I can proceed to the interview whenever it is convenient to you. Yours sincerely, John Smith all-american-woman - typicka stereotypni zena 09:49 2010-03-24 electoral - volební public oppinion pool - průzkum veř. mínění be accused of/charged with fraud, scam - defraudace indifferent abdicate declaration / chart of human rights and freedoms/liberties dismal period - nešťastné období jaunt - služební výlet, kde se nepracuje..;) public bodies - verejne organy 09:53 2010-03-25 He said he had to try to keep himself in a good physical shape. He told us that traveling to remote places meant long periods away from things most people take granted, such as doctors. He also admited having worn his shoes in the bed, bcs his always stick out of bed, he explained. He added... 22:16 2010-03-30: slov_test: circumnavigation plavba kolem sveta inhospitable nehostinny crack up vychvalovat nekoho succumb podlehnout saturated fat nasycené tuky strain námaha endurance výrdž bound nucen, omezit legacy pozustatky, dedictvi demise skonat adage porekadlo twist a shoulder vykloubit rameno sprain a ankle vyvrknout kotnik dislocate a joint vykloubit kloub thigh stehno hip kyčle, hýždě palm dlaň shin holeň